Enjoying a new view!

We at Hibbs Law, LLC have had a few work-from-home snow days lately. For our most recent one, I had a delightful realization I felt was worth sharing. In the beginning, I needed to wear all the ‘hats’ of my business. When I hired Colleen as our legal assistant, I had a teammate to take over certain ‘hats’ for me. The benefit of wearing less hats was evident as our capacity for cases/clients grew, and our growth as a law firm continued. Eventually things felt too constricted/busy, and I knew it was finally time to add an associate.

Working from home on this snowy day, I blocked out time to follow-up on networking connections, a thing that (for many of us) is an after-thought task once all the immediate legal work is complete. Being able to actually plan for networking follow-ups is spectacular, and it shows that my hats are changing again. The result is continuing to provide excellent services for my clients and community. I feel so grateful to have found both Colleen and Gouthami, and that the universe aligned to bring us together. When you do find amazing people that share your dreams and goals and work well in your team, be the best boss you can be and value their work every day–without them your business would be so much less.

Snow Days at Hibbs Law