Intellectual Property
“Fair Use Basics” —March 2019, Woodstock Public Library
“Fair Use Basics” — Apr 2018, Woodstock Chamber of CommerceHow Copyrights, Trademarks, and Fair Use effect web content and social media sharing. Get the basic Do’s and Don’ts for your business! A little knowledge up front can reduce risk and improve damage control systems.
“Protect Your Work!” — April 2019, Prairie Ridge HS Incubator
“Protect Your Work!” —June 2018, Woodstock Public Library What is intellectual property? How are IP rights created? How do you protect it? What is IP enforcement?
“Intellectual Property Seminar 1: IP Basics” — March 2022, Gary Con 2022, in Lake Geneva, WI
“Open Game License: An Overview and Update” — March 2023, Gary Con, 2023, in Lake Geneva, WI
Intellectual Property & Licensing/Contracts
Learn more about copyright protection for your great ideas, and how Hibbs Law, LLC can help.
“Patent Basics” — January 2018, Chicago Kent Law School/USPTO Patent Hub
+Patent Basics Handout
Basic aspects of patentability and brief overview of application components.
“PATENT BASICS: Protect Your Invention.” — March 2022, Gary Con 2022 in Lake Geneva, WI
“Trademark Basics” — August 2018, Woodstock Chamber of Commerce
What is It? How does It Work? What is Infringement?
“TRADEMARK Basics,” — August 2021, to the Chicago Inventors Organization
Business Entities
See how Hibbs Law, LLC can help your business or nonprofit get started on the right foot with sound planning, or get solid legal advice for your existing organization.
“Entities in Illinois” — April 2019, Prairie Ridge HS Incubator
Where to find the information, forms, laws, and other requirements to create a business entity in Illinois.